Perl Script to install MPI Libraries on Raspberry Pi

This particular script runs through the first 16 Pi’s in our super-computer cluster and installs three dependent MPI Libraries: libcr-dev, mpich2, and mpich2-doc.

#Creates a loop to do all the pi's in the cluster
for ($count = 2; $count <= 17; $count++) {
  my $host = "192.168.0.$count";
  #Installs the libcr-dev library
  system("ssh pi@$host 'sudo apt-get --yes --force-yes install libcr-dev'");
    if ( $? == -1 )
      print "command failed: $!n";
      print "command exited with value %d", $? >> 8;

  #Installs the mpich2 library
  system("ssh pi@$host 'sudo apt-get --yes --force-yes install mpich2'");
    if ( $? == -1 )
      print "command failed: $!n";
      print "command exited with value %d", $? >> 8;
  #Installs the mpich2-doc library
  system("ssh pi@$host 'sudo apt-get --yes --force-yes install mpich2-doc'");
    if ( $? == -1 )
      print "command failed: $!n";
      print "command exited with value %d", $? >> 8;
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